Secondly was the issue of pornography, while I know there are filters that can be placed, I also know they can be easily circumvented. While I am all for free speech, I do wish there were more content filters turned on by default on social media. I would rather see an active consent to remove the filters, than to assume everyone is an 'adult'. Especially as we know the majority of people who use social media are younger.
How long have you been 'online'?
I've been online for 5 years.
What do you do when you are online?
I talk to friends, watch videos, listen to music and post my artwork onto my Tumblr blog.
Describe the projects that you make/do?
I draw, all the time. I've also been working on game design, coding and concept art.
How has your experience been learning online?
It hasn't been as good as I'd expected. There is nearly no communication between the classmates and the teacher, and there's no hands on experience. You receive your books in the mail, and the teachers do no more than tell you which chapter to read. And they almost never reply to you or grade your papers in a reasonable amount of time.
Do you frequent social media?
I use Tumblr and Twitter, and I use them a lot. I check them regularly.
How do you deal with negative people online?
Unless they've said something really offensive to me, I normally just ignore them. I've had people try to bully me so many times online, that I've just stopped caring.
Is social media a big part of your life?
It keeps me from getting bored, but I don't believe it's a big part of my life.
if there was something you could change about social media, what would it be?
I'd really, really like it if there was more of a filter on pornography. I can go on Tumblr and look up my favourite anime video game, and see a whole bunch of anime pornography. It's awful, especially since the game is targeted to audiences 16 and under. Thankfully, people on twitter have more sense and make sure that their twitter is blocked to everyone under a certain age.